I got Foodstamps before ! We used WIC to help feed Nicholas and Pam when he was little. I am soooo sick of people suggesting that because I got public assistance I am a , LOSER, CROOK, WELFARE QUEEN, LAZY BUM,CRACK HEAD, ECT ECT ECT! I did not apply for foodstamps with a master plan to use them forever and I could clearly tell that the children in the office were not up to it either. Believe it or not we were all starving! When I recently was finally convinced to apply for Unemployment -(I got fired for farting too much..yeah I know...) After a deluge of paperwork --that I could have used to build a house for the homeless--I found that I had to go to 2 meetings a month in a bad hood, on the other side of town, and just getting there would cost me $4 out of the whole $79 I was going to get on unemployment! Yes $79 a month. It wasn't because I only made $79 a month when I worked it was because the unemployment folks figured that a cashier person only deserves that much ! : O
YES LIVIN LARGE ! " Hey wait let me buy that Crack Rock for you dude!" Oh yeah! I was workin it! Take that richee Republicans!! HA ! HA! HA! I'm laughin all the way... to where?! This Koch brothers GOP dream of the poor being devious scum out to destroy innocent Corporate America is - believe it or not-- STUPID!!
When I rolled around on the floor in pain for three days and my roommates finally said " Dude do you need a ride to the hospital? Your groaning is harshing my Buzz!" I had to go to the most expensive place there was to go! The Emergency room! My Bakery had insurance ,it's just that I could not afford it and still eat! I wasn't even counted as full time though I worked full time so they could save money somehow! So I was forced to go to the most expensive place to get help or ..DIE! It was all a part of my master plan to writhe in horrible pain, almost die, and wreck Corporate America ! When I got home I started getting Bills from everybody! Even the homeless dude that was hangin out in the Emergency room for shelter sent me a bill for not saying Hello!! I couldn't walk an entire block for weeks but I figured out that even after I was walking again that I would have to get a $15 raise and live to be 110 years old to pay my medical costs! So, I robbed a gas station! NO! I might have if I didn't actually work at one myself by then, but it did not make getting better a healing peaceful process I can only imagine if I had kids, or was old how horrible it would be! That's when I got interested in the Affordable Care Act actually any act at all! I am a lucky man but I will never be able to pay for those costs. It's not that I do not want to, it's not possible! Some folks need help. We pay taxes, I ALWAYS pay TAXES! Anyone that tries to get out of paying Taxes is not a smart business man, they are NOT a contributing member of society! Strange how a lot people bemoaning the Affordable Care Act are also champions of avoiding paying taxes! The point is We have Affordable care now so folks do not have to sacrifice their whole financial future to save their lives! They can come out of a health situation without immediately having to be in debt forever and still be tax payers contributing to the financial Health of our Nation and of other Americans.
I pay my Taxes! I ALWAYS pay my Taxes! I would rather that money I put in to Social Security stay there for older folks to use and for me eventually! That's not money for free ! I paid for it! YOU paid for it! Affordable Care is Law and it's about time! Affordable Care is Helping people NOW! Who is Congress helping by Shutting Down the Government?! Who?! Big Business that's who!! Don't believe me? So what! That's the truth and you can cling to your crazy speculations that sick poor people that do not look like you are all sneaky criminals trying to undermine the American way of life! You can also unfriend me right now, because I am one of them.
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