Wednesday, October 16, 2013

WE WON ! Because we were correct, not simply right.
But, we did not win. The GOP has damaged our international standing, making our country a laughingstock throughout the world. Our economy is still adversely effected having been taken to the brink of disaster, we may still end up losing gains we have made. Also, the GOP will wait til January and put us through this again !

STILL there are idiots proclaiming how they were cheated. Because they were not allowed to cheat.
Still unable to pick up a book, or use Wikipedia, to find out how our government works, to find out how their party made itself illegitimate, and disrupted democracy instead of following it.
They are still ranting and whining about how their rates will go up -without any proof at all-- saying we will all suffer in the long run. We were suffering before for a long time! Time to try a non suffering plan!
Despite the aged yammering of overemotional Fox TV educated folks,
a child that was facing a life with out any coverage because she has cancer -- a pre-existing condition --will get what she needs to fight it!
Women will get the exams they need without bullshit !
Prevention is rewarded! Not overlooked!

Too bad they could not overturn a law and blackmail the entire country into their corporate sponsored dreamworld!!
Now to clean the House,
we need to impeach and denounce
those that spearheaded the attempt to blackmail our nation.
We need our government , and our lives FREE of the lies that led to anyone thinking it was a good idea to Shut our Country for nothing but politics!

As Abraham Lincoln did not quite say: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all the people some of the time,
but, we have the Internet .

This is NOT just a difference of opinion anymore, I could respect that. If it smells like treason...
HEY ! I know some folks that do not agree with me on everything, but they do hold our nations government up to higher standard. They realize that if you push the boundaries of Democracy you risk its demise all together.
They may not understand everything. But, they know in our system of government we work for the people through compromise. Most of all there are folks that should not be held responsible for the out of control and reckless behavior of Corporate Tea Bag automatons, pretending to care about people, while carrying out an agenda of loud mouthed disinformation.

I think Republicans are NOT acting like Americans.
Americans share ideas and build from the facts. We've made a lot of mistakes as a Nation. But what makes us strong is that we have learned denying the facts leads right back to every mistake we have made. Our families are from all over the world and right here in Austin! We know how to compromise, because we care, We're Americans buy Gum!
Americans have been trying to get a Universal Healthcare law passed for decades! They are not concerned about insurance rates going up as much, as they care about kids getting healthcare. They listened but they make up their own minds , not drawn into, or fooled by rhetoric from screaming schemers. they don't need to agree with everyone. They don't hold it against them either.
Those folks willing to talk are the epitome of what Americans are and should be a new Party of Conservative thought. One that really cares about people.
Let me say this again--

People are more important than ideas!!
Pass it on !

Kitty Fur Coat

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